All you should know about
Demodex treatment

Demodicosis is often confused with other skin conditions and therefore frequently left undiagnosed and not properly treated. This is a problem since the deteriorating skin condition can lead to the formation of large bacterial infections and other chronic skin diseases.

Problems with existing treatments.
Often the typical model of treatment for demodex does not differ in principle from the treatment of other skin diseases. This includes anti-itching preparations, tetracycline antibiotics, corticosteroids and immunosuppressant which may have serious consequences to the patient. This complex treatment can cause the reduction of skin immunity, increase the scale of the problem and expose the patient to additional complications. The long-term use of steroid preparations can also lead to the creation of after-steroid-dermatitis, which is very serious skin condition and requires extensive treatment. In addition, oral antibiotics are ineffective in eliminating the mites – since demodex is not a bacterium, and is therefore resistant to their effects. For positive treatment results Metronidazol may be applied to help to fight the additional bacterial infections caused by demodex. The combination of methods may have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

The treatment of demodicosis is not a quick process. This is largely due to the demodex development cycle, which lasts from 18 to 25 days. The duration of treatment should be long enough to treat all stages of demodex development,in order to prevent the re-colonization of the skin. The systematic use of appropriate formulations is important to the treatment.





The traditional model of treating patients by doctors does not differ much from that used in the treatment of other skin conditions. The therapy introduces, among others, anti-scab preparations, tetracycline, antibiotics and corticosteroids. Adding immunosuppressive steroids to treatment is completely unsuccessful and may have serious consequences. Each additional factor that reduces the skin’s resistance increases the scale of the problem and exposes the patient to additional complications. The use of steroid preparations for a long time can also lead to the development of steroid dermatitis, which unfortunately has a serious course and requires long and arduous treatment. It is also wrong to use oral antibiotics (as the main measure) to eliminate this mite. Demodex is not a bacterium and is therefore resistant to their effects. Only the administration of Metronidazole as an auxiliary agent has a beneficial effect on the therapy, as it helps to fight additional bacterial infections caused by Demodex, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

There are several chemicals that are poisonous to Demodex and are used to treat demodeciodosis. They include, among others sulfur and mercury. Of course, preparations with the content of sulfur oxide are much safer than those with mercury, because they do not have such a strong and degrading effect on the skin. Preparations supporting the treatment of demodex may contain as an auxiliary: tea tree oil, peppermint or specially selected herbs that will be a poisonous mixture for Demodex.

There is not many effective products on the European market, while the Asian market, and more precisely the Chinese one, has a wide range of products for people affected by skin problems. There are less and more effective preparations. Highly effective means of treating Demodex or acne include, among others XFML cream (Xin Fumanling Creme), winner of many prestigious awards, such as the 14th Salon International Annual Invention Award in Geneva. This product is the result of several decades of work of the internationally renowned Chinese doctor – scientist Dr. Qu Kui Zun. The quality of XFML products is confirmed by the international GMP quality certificate. XFML cream is protected by a patent. It is the only and unique preparation with amazing effectiveness in the treatment of skin lesions caused by Demodex, as well as in the treatment of rosacea. ZZ ointment – worlds no 1 in rosacea treatment – also very effective in demodex therapy.


ZZ ointment and XFML cream are made to achieve the same effect. The biggest difference is that in addition to herbs, XFML cream also contains metronidazole and ZZ ointment does not. Some people (rarely) may react to metronidazole with red itchy skin – this is not dangerous and will disappear when use is discontinued. If this happens, it is better to use only ZZ ointment.
We recommend starting treatment with the cream in the morning and the ointment in the evening. It depends on each person who suits him. Use both for permission to find out. If there are no skin values, the marks of both products are used. If the skin is red – only the one corresponding to the skin type.

*** Evening application is the most important one.
Other medicinal cosmetics available on our website are a great complement to the therapy and are also very effective. These creams have been very successful in China and are becoming more and more popular in other countries of the world. Now, thanks to our service, they are also available in Europe.


Before applying, wash your face and hands with warm water and a neutral soap or, at best, our mite-remover soap. Wipe your face dry. (slightly damp skin will help to apply the ointment). The easiest way to apply the ointment or cream is to apply it in small dots all over the face with your fingers and then pat it into the skin. There is really no need to use a lot of product – not enough is enough. The procedure should be repeated 2 times a day, morning and evening. The evening application of the product is the most important thing.
Try to use as little cosmetics as possible during treatment.
When using the ointment externally, try an additional 5-10 mg of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 3 times a day at the same time. Any product that stimulates the immune system can be of help. Even if your symptoms improve, don’t stop treatment. The treatment duration for Demodex folliculorum is 90 days and for Demodex brevis is 120 days.

Never use ZZ ointment and XFML cream together. Alternating use of XFML in the morning and ZZ in the evening is best.
These products (cream and ointment) can only be used externally.


This should be done until all the mites are dead. This can only be judged by a test. Even if the symptoms are gone, it doesn’t mean the mites are too. If you finish treatment before all mites are eliminated, they will reproduce very quickly. Treatment may take up to 5 months but the results will be seen much sooner in most cases. If you suffer from itchy skin it will go away in about a month. You need treatment that is continued for 90 days to eliminate folliculorum. And 120 days of therapy in the case of short mite (brevis).
As without a test, you will never know if Demodex is present or not, it is advisable to carry out treatment for at least 120 days to make sure it is not there. However, most mites will be eliminated after just one month.

Important information!
During therapy, the consumption of sugar, alcohol, spicy and fatty foods should be avoided. This has a very significant impact on the condition of the skin and the course of treatment. Also please remember to drink min 2l of spring water everyday.

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